Breaking the Glass Ceiling of Science: the first eleven women to be elected Fellows of the Royal Society, 1945-1954 by Dr Stella Butler
7:30 PM19:30

Breaking the Glass Ceiling of Science: the first eleven women to be elected Fellows of the Royal Society, 1945-1954 by Dr Stella Butler

In March 1945, the crystallographer, Kathleen Lonsdale, became the first woman Fellow of the Royal Society, the UK’s most elite scientific institution. In the following nine years a further nine women also achieved this ultimate accolade. Their journey to election as FRSs involved foreign adventures, political persecution and the inevitable exhausting hours at the coalface of science. Several faced significant obstacles as they tried to establish themselves in professional careers. Their inspirational contributions opened doors for later generations of women to work in areas traditionally dominated by men.

Stella has a PhD, has worked in university libraries and science museums. She began her research career investigating the history of hospitals and, more recently, has published articles on the crystallographers, Kathleen Lonsdale and the Nobel Laureate, Dorothy Hodgkin.

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A funny thing happened on the way to the Old Bailey by Chris Truran
7:30 PM19:30

A funny thing happened on the way to the Old Bailey by Chris Truran

This covers the stupid things that criminals do to get themselves arrested. Many anecdotes include were from examinations that I made and other added disasters that have befallen them.

It is unbelievable how stupid criminals can be. While Fingerprints and Forensics capture many there are plenty of times when they have brought about their own downfall.

Very much a light hearted look at the world of the stupid criminal.

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 SERV Kent Bloodrunners by Trevor Sayer
7:30 PM19:30

SERV Kent Bloodrunners by Trevor Sayer

Every day, emergency medical services rely on the timely transport of essential supplies, from blood and plasma to urgent medical samples. SERV Kent, a dedicated volunteer organization, plays a crucial role in ensuring these deliveries reach hospitals and patients swiftly and safely—free of charge. In this talk, Trevor will share his experience as a volunteer driver for SERV Kent.

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Women’s empowerment by Jeanette Marr
7:30 PM19:30

Women’s empowerment by Jeanette Marr

Your mind is your best friend and also your worst enemy. An introduction to your 10 saboteurs (creating stress and negativity) and your Sage mind (positivity and creativity). Bringing a shift from a negative mindset to a positive mindset leading to change in your relationships, health/wellbeing and performance.

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Chocolate Tasting
7:30 PM19:30

Chocolate Tasting

Chocolate Tasting

Speaker: Isabelle Alaya

Artisan chocolatier Isabelle Alaya founded the Melange Chocolate Shop in Peckham in 2008. She has a reputation for making speciality award winning hand-made chocolate bars and truffles which are characterised by and eclectic combination of fruits, herbs and spices.

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Wren 300.
7:30 PM19:30

Wren 300.

  • Sunfields Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Speaker: Sarah Compton ( London Guide)

Celebrating the works of Sir Christopher Wren in the tercentenary of his death with particular note of the traces he left in Greenwich.

Further details tbc.

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Origami with Drew Sinclair
7:30 PM19:30

Origami with Drew Sinclair


Speaker: Drew Sinclair

Origami, the ancient art of paper folding, is making a comeback. While some of the oldest pieces of origami have been found in ancient China and its deepest roots are in ancient Japan, origami can make an impact in today's education too. This art form engages students and sneakily enhances their skills. One of the amazing things about origami is that you can take a flat piece of paper and turn it into a three-dimensional object. This type of manipulation helps people understand spatial reasoning. When you practice origami, you are activating your whole brain. It has long been known that origami has many benefits such as developing eye-hand coordination, sequencing skills, memory, attention skills, patience, math reasoning and it is also just plain FUN !

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Advanced Driving
7:30 PM19:30

Advanced Driving

Advanced Driving

Speakers: Steve Ewing and John Biggs from The Institute of Advanced Motorist ( South Eastern Group)

Our speakers will be talking about the history of advanced motoring, the local Group, and their own connection with it. They will also outline what is involved in the advanced test and the various schemes they run, including a free taster session that you may find of interest. There will also be a short quiz on the highway code, just for fun of course !

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From One to a Thousand - A Photographic Journey.
7:30 PM19:30

From One to a Thousand - A Photographic Journey.

From One to a Thousand - A Photographic Journey

Speaker : Photographer Richard Winston.

Richard will speak about how he ' got into wildlife photography 15 years ago’. This talk will be supported by lots of photos of birds and animals from around the world. There is also a look at "bird families" and an audience participation quiz , followed by images of the many animals and birds encountered on a recent safari trip to the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

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British Sign Language
7:30 PM19:30

British Sign Language

Refreshingly funny and a little bit quirky, Lindsey Barrell has a wealth of knowledge to share from her varied experience of teaching Burlesque to the WI and from her work in sensory and wellbeing. Mindfulness Teacher, Reiki and NLP Practitioner and Dance and Life Coach; Lindsey is a confident and humorous speaker who has been described as ‘speaking from the heart’ and ‘the best speaker we have ever had!’ From Burlesque to BSL (British Sign Language) and Mindfulness to Motivation; Lindsey is a speaker not to be missed.


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Every Day Plastics
7:30 PM19:30

Every Day Plastics

Speaker : Dan Webb from Everyday Plastic

Dan will speak to us about his mission to reduce plastic. Founded in January 2018 in the UK, Everyday Plastic is a research-led social enterprise which focuses on evidence-based education and campaigns. Through active participation, it teaches individuals and organisations the realities of everyday plastic use and how to make a difference.

It works to demystify and simplify what can seem to be an overwhelming problem, providing a personal connection and encouraging everyone to make changes that have a meaningful impact.  

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Medical Detection Dogs (MDD)
7:00 PM19:00

Medical Detection Dogs (MDD)

  • Sunfields Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Speaker: Anne Stott

Anne is a volunteer at MDD and has worked in the IT industry for many years. She is currently working for a Medical IT provider of software for clinical trials. Anne will run through the history of the MDD, give a brief explanation about the dog’s ability as a bio ‘sniffer’ and the science behind it. She will provide an outline of the current activities of the charity and its goals.

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